After long hot summer nights Monsoon showers spell Paradise!

First Monsoon Shower

Scorched summer nights are still
Canaries are quite,
Infernal silence reigns the night,
Sinking spirits.
Restive soul...
Moon is losing all the hope...

Loneliness to top it all....
Why do I miss you, tonight of all?

Why does your memory begin to crawl
back into my heart at all?
Softly do your footsteps fall,
Echo in my memory-hall...

Memories of rendezvous in spring
Begin to softly touch my skin
You start to creep under my skin:
Warmth of another kind
In my soul begins to climb

Spreads instantly like wild fire
Like a dry-jungle-bush-fire
Vapours hot begin to rise
Nimbus clouds quietly conspire,
From somewhere blows a cool zephyr,
The Koel suddenly hoots with desire.

Monsoon begins to assemble
its equipage of rain together...
Sky suddenly becomes overcast
And my heart begins to dance...

Now the raindrops begin to fall,
Parched Earth eagerly takes in all
Fragrance off Earth after first shower,
Heavenly! Leaps from bower to bower...

Smell of earth casts a spell on my spirits
And my heart, my soul, my body,
Can no longer remain steady....

As the parched earth begins to drench
My longing heart begins to clench,
I am one desire -body and soul-
And yearn for you ever more and more...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh(UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo:' After the rains in Aligarh-'Water, water every where...'
Pic. by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 988 times
Written on 2007-08-28 at 20:02

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Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
A gentle, wonder-filled poem of love and longing set 'midst the changing seasons. Beautiful.
2007-08-30 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
loneliness in the middle of joy... probably from not being able to share with the one missed... that's how i interpret the loneliness... the monsoon part and how it feels to finally get the rains after the heats endured during the summer is well described... i could imagine the release you feel, the uplifting and rejuvenating forces of its arrival... i find this very interesting, gives a window into your part of the world... you share the experience of the Monsoon, one i will most likely never experience, well, not in québec anyway... :) lovely writing... welcome back zoya :) *hugs* xx

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Zoya , wonderful , bountiful pease of prose , no mater the reason why some one we love weather a lovde one or a freind are not with us, they leve us many happy memares to recal , that give us resaon to laguft , reasan to smile , reason to be happy , worm us when we are cold in spiret , lift us up when we are down , ctach us when we fall in spiret , the spiret of thear love viset us when we are ,ost in need opf thear love , there love . Thasnk you so much for your poem :)


Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Wonderful to read your poetry again Zoya - have missed you, feel very lonely here these days without your special kindness

Emma x

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Zoya sweet Indian princess
you are a wondrous poet where have you been
this is a beautiful rtn and so welcome well done
rgds mike

Indeed,a both sweet and fiery text!

Zoya Zaidi
Dear Friends, I am going to be a bit slow- I'll slowly build up, momementum- I hope you will bear with me till then...?
Love, Zoya