Yooooo everyone

The situation on town?
Cool. . .

plugg it, plugg it, plugg it in

Increase the volume,
lower the eyebrows

braid one take a rest
eat more pasta

Yes sails away, the wind carries

among oil and concrete
the suburb screams

GHETTO HEAVY, f___ing pretto
its cool!

Stupid, stupid, dingeli dong. . .
it is my song, YOO everyone!

The situation man,
how is it with your mum
is it ditto
as until?

Sad that you end up on the house
but its dangerous to draw knives!

Girl how was your date,
end up in the batter
kids o illusion,
how could they become so bad?

Cans bongo to my song
the day long, lives at night
in the neon's light
docks o waters, the plaque
and destiny road
- Say no to the dealer!

- they deal with the death!

Sow boys and chicks
say no to drugs
you end dead in a park

STAND up and be STRONG
Stand Tall!!!

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 786 times
Written on 2007-08-29 at 10:21

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F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
hehe was going to ask, you sure you followed the instructions on the cough syrup bottle properly? ;) this made me laugh, and i agree, say NO to drugs! humor getting the message through :) *hugs* xx

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
YO ,m man , a greast poem well write , very thourtfull , thanks Dan ,


Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5