Life is too short and beautiful, only if we care to look around and savour it- "there is very little time for love; where is the time to hate?" And yet today's world is fraught with wars, conflicts, ethnic-cleansing, terrorism... written for World P

The Same Sun Shines on You and Me

The same Sun shines on you and me.
The same sky doth us canopy.
Moon casts its silver light
On you and me alike,
When it is eclipsed by Earth
It casts a gloom equally on us...

Same rain washes the terrain
Lightning, thunders when it rains

The same birds fly from the North Pole,
When ice sets in an' it is too cold
Traverse thousands of miles to perch
On my part of the Earth
Carrying your message of love...

When Snow falls in your county
It cools too my native country
The West Winds carry torrential rains
to you and me in similar vein...

Same Air fills your and my lungs
With Oxygen in the atmosphere
Emit the same carbon dioxide
Pollution chokes our breaths alike
Same emission pierces our sights...

Then why is it that we are blinded
By our reasoning, by our greed
And decide that we belong
To different cast and different creed
Religion and colour of the skin
Why can't we live in peace...?

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi
Dated: 02.04.2007,
7.30 am, Morning Tea...

Photo: 'Carnivalisque Splendour in the Sky' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Note: In 1981 the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 36/67 declaring an International Day of Peace. In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a new resolution 55/282 declaring 21 September of each year as the International Day of Peace.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1070 times
Written on 2007-09-04 at 05:39

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lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Zoya the sun will alwaysshine upon you and you write such beautiful poetry to welcome back baby
rgds mike

Dear Zoya,

This is a really good written poem, i like how used the natural ingredients of our world sun, air, wind and rain to connect between us and this world. We are humans which means at the firs place nature is a part of us as we are a part of it.

Religion: Well as far as i know all the religions from where it started, from where it is originated, it all calls for peace. The war is a human instinct, struggling for the the strength and power, fighting for land, killing and slaughthering for gold,oil and money.

Greedy we have become and more of it just dumb...

There mustnt be one peace day, cause the world IS SUPPOSED to be in peace every single day, they must make a war day to stop every single gun in this world.

So at the end no religion no skin colored poeple push the war, the war and terrorism and conflicts are based on the bad side of our human nature. I totally agree when you say life is beautiful and short so live it...

I hope we see more of your writings here in the bay, about the peace of this world....

May Allah bring you peace of mind, heart and soul Zoya forever Amen...



Rob Graber
Valuable insights well expressed!

Kathy Lockhart
Such a beautiful message for us all to reflect upon Zoya. Peace starts with open minds, hearts, and arms. Your poetry truly is inspirational.
hugs to you my sister

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Sad , when we prove hear on the bay , others prove on simakler sites. That we can and do live quite happily in harmaney. Suporting each other , sharing with each other. Hear we are at pease , live in perfect harmaney . Some times WE PROVE THE WORKLD CAN LIVE IN PEASE!
Thank you Zoyer , thank you all.


Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I think it is because mankind is greedy which is why we can't live in peace. Yet most of us do want peace, do want to live in harmony - we need to open our eyes to the beauty - I so agree with your sentiments in this dear Zoya

Elle x

Questions echoing down
the rugged plinths of time,
without beginning,
without end,
ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
And yet,
we have no answers,
only a stolen preview
of what might be.

very true, i don't know why people always forget that we have only one earth.

my country is going through rough time and your poem is a medicine to my ached heart..thank you very much

lots of love