An callous and ambitious man's view on his life and aspirations - he refuses to acknowledge that he has family responsibilities

Life in the Fast Lane

In my new job I speed across the Expressway
From Mumbai to Pune and back every other day
I think it is a privilege to live "in the fast lane"
Despite warnings that life would never be the same
Father regularly raised the alarm
That to my private life I was doing only harm
But I chose not to pay any heed
And focused on the so called corporate greed
Now my wife is suing for divorce
None can change her mind not even parental force
My children say life will be fine without their dad
They know not if their decision is good or bad
As I am never around when they need me
And to them all that I seem to hanker after - is money
My troubled river looks to be in full spate
But again my father tells me it is still not too late
All I need to do is change gears
Altering my course will chase away everyone's fears
I must lessen the pace of my work life
Give quality time to my children and wife
But it is difficult for me to play this new role
It is like asking me to vault from pole to pole
I have not done it in years so I'd rather
Not be the doting husband and loving father
I prefer to stick to the fast lane and risk the pain
Of possible loneliness even if it drives me insane
After all that is what a great career is all about
In the corporate world you cannot reach the top
If you get all mushy about family life and stop
I am sure the family will wake up and realize
When the cash stops and they have to economize
So Dad it is not that I disregard your precious advice
I am ambitious and will perhaps have to pay a price.

Poetry by Sandra Martyres
Read 320 times
Written on 2007-09-12 at 20:12

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