Sometimes I wish that life was easy....

New times

What I have is good, I have what I need.
I can not find a single thing missing, I have it all.
My mind should be content, it's got nothing to wish for.
I have friends and family and all the stuff I need.

My feelings are shattered, my heart not what it was.
My thoughts are in tatters, nothing works as I would have it.
I try to find meaning, but it's not as it should.
The world is in turmoil and nothing is certain.

All of my stuff, it's worth nothing right now.
Loneliness pulls me, I feel so in pain.
It binds me in chains, of my own making.
A slave of my thoughts, it's not as it should.

I try to run, to think of other things.
All I can feel though, is sad and alone.
Now I am trying, to leave all this pain.
Will it work to travel far? To get away from it all?

I sit here thinking, as always quite sad.
Will my life get better? Will I find love out there?
Is moving a good thing? Will I handle the distance?
Can I take the challenge and rise through the pain?

I sit here and wonder, excited and scared.
New friends and new places, will it be for the better?
Will I handle three years with a whole new horizon?
My heart and my thoughts, will they heal far away?

I will look at the stars and see a whole different story.
Nothing will be old, it will all be new.
Can I say that I'm ready? That all will be well?
No, life will be hard. But I'm willing to try.

Poetry by QuiZZer
Read 1095 times
Written on 2005-12-07 at 00:49

Tags Travel  Sadness 

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Zoya Zaidi
New times are always better then the old times,
Old times have been, & are already not thine,
New times are 'could be', and 'could be' is fine,
New times are in your hands, though you go through the grind,
But your future will be brighter, you will one day find...

Go take the plung, it is always for the better...

(((((hugs for a better tomorrow)))))
xxx, Love, Zoya

Nothing lost nothing gained
Only your future you can change
don,t be slow make it brisk
Take a chance take the risk
there may be trouble even strife
Theres more to gain then lose in life :-))

Too many opportunities missed by not giving it a go. Look to the star look to your future,
For in your hands your destiny lies,
Enjoyed the read.