I thank Dr Who for the motivation to write this

Do Not Fear The Weeping Angel

Do not fear the weeping angel
She has watched for centuries
Unable to help
She merely watches
Hands covering her face as she cries
Her tears flow for the bodies piled beneath her
Men killed in a senseless war
The souls wandering in torment
The children left behind
She cries for the babies
Left at her feet
Newborn and innocent
The reach for their mothers
Crying for milk
Fighting for life
Their mothers no not know
Or do not care about the love they left behind
She weeps for the homeless man
Beaten and starving
Begging for change or a small piece of food
Freezing without a coat or blanket
Dying on cold stone
Her eyes of stone
Her hidden face
Shows more love to lost souls than any living being
Her tears are not those of a statue
They were not given to her by those who created her
They come from God
A message
A sign for anyone to care

Poetry by Rob Taylor
Read 1415 times
Written on 2007-09-17 at 18:41

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Kathy Lockhart
This is beautiful Rob. You brought tears to my eyes and sent chills through my soul. Such is poetry the emotions of the heart. bookmarked.