Slow awakening

The morning exudes
Torpor drunk can points
The satin bed


The coffee maker
Aromatic beans
Running water


Marmalade and cheese
Red sun caressed rings
You safe rest


Topped ash-trays
The Pedestals cursing horse heads
Applies in the room


Dirty windows
The sun caressed on the table
A fluttering light

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 827 times
Written on 2007-09-23 at 09:30

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makes me think of the dreadful deed it is to wake up early in the morning lol :)

since you mention this in stanza three, i hope you won't mind my side-tracking for a minute :) you know, before last year, i didn't know about marmalade and cheese being a common combination (it isn't here :) ) - i was told it is a popular food in sweden... maybe you know this 'cause i can't seem to trace its roots... where does it originate from? from sweden or did sweden somehow in history get introduced to it? :) that's my mind for you, i'm curious about stuff like that :)

i enjoyed the layout and the picture... really made the ambiance feel like a drowsy, slow awakening mind trying to think and come back to earth from dreamland - i relate to the feeling lol very nice poem :) *hugs* xx