Armed and loaded. . .

- Damn the torpedoes!

Bomb my brain out
give me a hunch
a wink and a blink
so I can find
my way out

- There is no stairway to heaven!

is like a sandwich
when it is finished
there is no more!

- Dungeons and dragons!

Seems like life on a
long and winding road
where my feet’s
keep on going!

- And life feels so slow

Religions and politics
are like a mouse in a wheel
where sensibility is a deal
nothing seems to be reel

- Questions makes me crazy!

Where the heck
are the answers’
my brain is a mess
and life is a chess

- Black and white. . .

is the road where I am walking
on grey fields, the ashes of today
where everybody have to pay
just to stay another day

- K A B O O M !

teeping in a minefield
exploding sweet memories
is passing by and by
shaking in a corner

- WHY, why, why

o I cry
out in my loneliness
of what was a little boy
that grow up to be a man

- And here I am . . .

Rock you like a hurricane
with poetic napalm and
sharpshooting words
just before it calms

- Se you another day!

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 840 times
Written on 2007-09-27 at 22:38

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dott Print text Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
ha! what a finale :) yeah... rock us like a hurricane! :)

so many questions and often seems there are no answers eh... this is what your text made me think about... when i was reading, i was starting to feel my brain constrict with all of the same mind wrecking ways my unanswered questions can get to me at times... good observations offered here... as always dan, it's a pleasure to read your texts... and i appreciate the care you put into the presentation of your poems as well... very nice :) *hugs* xx

Dead Mans hand
there is no stairway to heaven...
there is a Hairway to Steven!

(sorry I'm a little buzzed here)