There is a shadow

There is a shadow
In the way

So I can't get
Through to you

There is a shadow
In the way

So I can't see
Who you are

Poetry by EMITSTI
Read 1129 times
Written on 2007-10-05 at 04:18

Tags Shadow  See  Way 

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I use my xray vision and always get under the skin. As does your poem. Very well extracted workings of the human mind. Shadow boxing is hard work but well worth the heavy weight reward. Smiling at you, your poem inspired the below effort, hope you don't mind.

there is a shadow

And sometimes
A caste Iron gate.

Whether we choose
To negotiate that gate?

Often depends on
Who we end up with

As mate!

Rob Graber
I like the simplicity of the words and rhythm as they open up deep matters of reality, perception, communication, and identity. Impressive!

Rob Taylor
Very interesting...makes you think and wonder, GOOD JOB!