no one has inspired me for this.. i think this is the product of my own dark feelings...

Love Maxima!!

I cut her lips and drank the blood
I call it love's flood
It's the biggest love
I want her to exist in me
And myself to exist in her
Our love is not trendy
And so it doesn't have any boundary

I laid myself on her
And punched her on face
To see if I can feel the same pain
Maybe she can feel mine
As her blood is in me
Not mine in her
I took a knife
Cut my arm open
Gathered blood in a cauldron
And forced her mouth open
I tipped it in her mouth
And made her gulp
It is time like this
When I feel
So bad
About her death

(She died. I helped her
I pushed the knife in
"Goodbye, dear" she cried)

I hit her on stomach
It suddenly caused me searing pain very much
We have reached a point
Where even death couldn't force us apart
I took her in my arms and put her on the bed
(Nobody believes that she isn't dead)
At my side
Goodnight dear! With passion I cried
Then with her in my arms I slept
Eternal bliss I felt
Some people call me but I am perfectly sane
Though, I think, this world's meaningless and insane
She is smiling blood coming out of her lips
She's inviting me to kiss her again

Poetry by Anshul Sharma
Read 867 times
Written on 2007-10-02 at 17:45

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Anshul Sharma