Painting The dove of freedom by Dan Cederholm 1992

Are you reading this text now?

an you see me
right in front of you?

Can you feel
the touch on your skin?

Can you hear me
when I am singing for you?

If you can!
You are reading me now!

Basic instinct server
sending a message out. . .

Are you online?
Can you feel the river flow. . .

Of today’s
harvest. . .

Of touching gentle words,
the smooth singing melody

In the networks world
of philosophy

Linguistic words of freedom
the narrative way of TELLING

How to SHOW!

So my friend, I send out this message to embrace your day in my way. The touching feelings of a friend’s mystical way to show you as a reader that love is the natural way, not sexually just friendly. Words with courage I will give to you with all my love and understanding in the endless road of life. The battle we are struggling each day to satisfy, and turned the days into roses when we climb the mountains of fear.

is long and winding

But love
can make it worthy

So, I send it all to you.
All of what I can give you.


Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 800 times
Written on 2007-10-05 at 11:31

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Rob Graber
Neat write, and I like the dove--nice figure-ground relationship there!

Kathy Lockhart
Beautiful painting, beautiful words, beautiful love
Hope rises upon the wings of love