i really once sat in the heavy rain and realised how small we r in this universe...yet we r so troubled wid our little troubles then i realised that we can remain happy and maybe its our duty to remain happy... maybe whatever i am writing just now may sou


Sitting in heavy rain
Feeling sad and drained
Looking towards sky
Fantasying of taking a flight
To nothingness
Of calmness
To that I surge
In morning dirge

Preconception and prejudices
The lying devices
Time tickling,
It won't come back
Everybody changes,
Nobody remains same

Fighting to have something better to live
Live and die on this battlefield
So why fight??? Why try???
Nobody's going to remember how u died!

She cried, cried in my lap
I tried to comfort her with my pats
To hell with her enemies, to hell with her foes
To her endurance I bow

A time will come surely
When time will take flight from harsh fortunate
It will discontinue the continuity
And will ease towards kind and unfortunate

Both will switch places
Interchange faces
Fortunate will turn into unfortunate
Unfortunate will change into fortunate
Oppressor will became the oppressed
And oppressed will change into oppressor

But hath time ever been quite??
No it has created many happy, sorry sights
So it will turn again
Again and again
Till eternal bane
Will come over most of us
Rest will have the throne of Zeus.

Poetry by Anshul Sharma
Read 834 times
Written on 2007-10-05 at 17:13

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Well writan. There is that , that is worth fighting for. Some times we fight for love , a freind. some times for some People we may never meet. We fight for them all the same , stand side by side in a nother time would bearly pass the time of day , enqier of their health or what ever. , or their family's. . Just that time comes , in wuch thear is no one to defend or speck up for them. > they look difrant , dres diferant , speck different. That we deside we have to the '' Right Thing'' ,'' Mack a stand , Take A Stand. love , freindship , or a course . That Is what I see in this poem.

Ken D Williams.