My first poem in quite a while, I hope you like it:)

I Am Who I Am

Gone in the mist,

Taken distance from what once was me,

Scared by the fact that I had no control,

Needed time away from myself,

From what my life was,

Hiding from what I can't escape,

Trying to change myself as a person,

Without realizing,

Realizing that I am who I am,

Taking myself apart,

Piece by piece,

Day by day,

Falling away from the real world,

Driving myself away from reality,

Deeper and deeper into something I don't want to be,

Until the knowledge hit me,

I am me,

No one else,

Why would I want to change that?

I like who I am,

The way I am around people,

The way I speak,

I am me..

Poetry by Alexander
Read 1071 times
Written on 2007-10-15 at 17:39

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Absolutely Great! just be yourself!love it..thank you for sharing..kisses