Sometimes it is nice to sit silently and listen to your inner voice, talk to your soul…

Silence of the Soul

My soul is silent some days...

A soul needs the silence sometimes,
So that it can introspect
So that it can listen to
Its very inner voice:

Some times in the dead of the night,
I sit silently,
Like a hermit, I close my eyes,
My soul talks to me:

It tells me of my joys unrealized,
Of my tears of sorrow,
Those pour from my eyes,
It tells of a life unlived,
It tells of the dreams unfulfilled

It tells of desires, unrequited love,
The things the soul aspires for;

It fills me with hopes of you,
It fills me with thoughts of you
Yearnings, cravings that are my due,
The very essence of you...

Sometimes in the silence of the night
My soul talks to me…
It tells of tears,
of smiles,
Of sorrows
and my joys
and of you..

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: 'Hues of the setting Sun' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 962 times
Written on 2007-11-03 at 21:14

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The strongest voice that drives is usually the one that moves us to reckon with ourselves and who we are and what lies ahead


lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
''Sometimes in the silence of my room I see you through the mist of my tears
And the years we have been apart come back to me'
Thus now I long for other dreams the plans and schemes we once knew
Well up a new within my heart'

Zoya a wonderful inspiring text and typically you in your soft and gentle style

and hey Doctor welcome back

rgds mike

Rob Graber
Much wisdom in this write--Though one hesitates to violate its spirit by saying anything in reponse!

yeah, that's the soul's way!
You describe it very well.
:) Nice to see you back!

...hugs to you ...miss you ...glad to see you now though...

hope they will soon be solved

Zoya Zaidi
Sorry friends, I am a bit elusive these days. It is my computor problem... Technology!!!
(((Hugs to all who miss me)))
((Hugs to all, I miss)))
With Loads of Love,

..the inner voice speaks so truly if we bother to listen closely to its scilent voice ... a beautiful poem Zoya ...thank you

love & hugs