To all of your rewards


Be careful of the world that you are making,
For the factors of right and wrong have become, blurry,
Hidden within a forest of combustion and satisfaction,
Right and Wrong strongly exist,
We just spend more time and energy demoralizing ourselves to it,

For let it be known the difference between the idea and the belief,
Ideas are made to create, introduce, execute and evaluate a theory,
Same as a belief, however,
You can always change an idea, but as for a belief,
The loyalty, devotion and determination no to let go, makes it trickier,

When it comes to Right and Wrong,
To rationalize to justify an action is an idea or a theory,
Not and never should be a belief or a defense for the action in place,
For from the beliefs we hold so true,
Shows you the fruit of these endeavors,

"From the eternal sea, he rises,
Creating armies from either shore,
Turning man against his brother,
Until man exist no more,"

We are here to love,
And with that we must defend love,
In all shapes and forms,
But in the directions and rules brought before us,
And not in the justifications and rhetoric we make for us,
There is amends, but this is the responsibility of the many,
Never the one, unless you can handle a higher position,
And from this we exist, without trying our hardest not to step on anyone else's toes,

The physical bondage can never exist without the mental bondage,
We place inside us,
These can be broken, but only through the rules,
Can they be done correctly,
Because what sense does it make to break chains when you still act like you have them on?,
Knowledge of thyself, being able to develop from the truth and consequences of what put you there makes you the better person,
Without this, you haven't learned a single thing beyond the bondage,

My final attack stems from this growing awareness and problem,
"We need unity more than we need the truth",
Read this, loud and clear, and if you can't found somebody who can help you,
Without truth there is no such thing as unity, and even existence for that matter,
A lie never supported a home and a contradiction always makes you a failure to your own conscious,
It's like being at the free-throw line of life,
You're gonna make some baskets, you will miss some baskets,
All you have to be concerned about is the making every one of those baskets count the best way you can,
Through love comes respect, courtesy and unity,
And with that, defense is so,
Through lies and contradiction comes your worst fears and disappointments,
To say lightly and lossely,

You reap what you sow, right or wrong,
Sounds familiar?,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 803 times
Written on 2007-11-05 at 00:25

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