It was something else until I tinkered with it a little!

The longest way to your arms

No way to say "I'm sorry",
No way to go back to where we were,
The truth is, we will see each other again,
I remember you,
I remember me, then,
We spent too much time wondering,
"Where did it all go wrong?",
It makes you a prisoner if you let it,
It's a touch and go situation,
And if you find yourself, please let me know how?,

The road is kindest friend you have,
Because it has direction,
It has space as well as comfort,
And it doesn't talk, it only listens,
To yells, self-conversation,
And yes, even tears,
You pass through time and through the ages,
Fighting, searching for the truth that you lost,
Even though it's been there all along,
You just needed a slap to find out,

I guess everyone needs their 40 days and 40 nights,
To find out who they are, and what they are doing?,
And some need to do it over and over and over again,
Each time you become stronger and wiser,
Because you come from, why me?,
To why not you?,
Life is a test and nothing more,
You are graded on how you handle it,
Everyone wants they feel they need,
However, everyone only gets what the will can handle,

And from that, the hidden are not really hiding,
They know that they will be found,
They're waiting nervously for the sign,
Of a time when they smiled,
When they were happy,
And they lose sanity in the mind of the prison they made,

The longest way to your arms,
Seems to be the shortest way,
Be to be whole, once more,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 879 times
Written on 2009-03-26 at 01:49

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davon montgomery

Nice poem dear ...