Sea holds a great fascination for me: some times tranquil, sometimes serene, sometimes strong, sometimes deep, stretching far into horizon, caring, caressing my feet; Sea holds...

The Calm and the Turbulent Sea

The tranquil sea
Sends rippling waves
To kiss the virgin shore,
To caress it gently,
And come back presently...
But never satisfied
They come right back again,
Again and again
Going farther and farther,
Rising higher and higher,
Till on a moonlit night
They reach orgasmic heights,
Only to crash against the rocks
To beat against the cliffs,
And whip-up a frenzied storm
Till they are thoroughly
Shattered and smashed,
But completely satisfied and quenched...
The sea, thoroughly exhausted,
Calms down, and for days
Lies in delicious slumber
Tranquil and serene,
As if it's never been,
That troubled, that keen...
With all the passionate tumults,
Buried deep within...
But sometimes in its wake,
It leaves behind a precious pearl
For the beloved shore...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 2266 times
Written on 2005-12-14 at 03:14

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Ron. S. King
May one write of a turbulent sensuality?... The read has taken my breath away and exposes the calm turbulence of a joyful nature. if one loves to this description then would I forever swim in such waters, to quench then submerge the self on a calm bed of troubles...A delicious write, like mint after a madras....Ron.

Kathy Lockhart
wow! what a read! I felt the power of this poem surge through me like the waves crashing upon the rocks. I am still breathing deeply! :))))))) kathy

Gentle waves bearing ethereal kisses
Crashing waves of unfulfilled passion
The sea washes the feet of the maidenly
Shore, everyday in different fashions...


Mark Reynolds
words can not explain how this poem made me feel. i give this a five, but it should have a much higher number for its remarkable imagery

Poems about the sea always touch my heart--I love this one so.

Your poem about the Sea is very well written and permeates a message that is self evident. In addition it creates a "nexus" between human lives and the Sea. We at times are as raging as the rough seas and at times we are calm. Thus I think it is fair to say that; "Sometimes solitude is better than society and silence is wiser than speech."

Like the rytm, the rhymes and the sexual feeling you bestow the sea. Like a liquid orgasm, tantric and whole.

how?? how on earth can you make summin like the sea into something so sensual and ravaging, utter brilliance, my dear :D

Black Knight
At the sea, the wind rumples my hair,
A white seagull afar something cry.
And I want to sail away there,
Where the land converge with the sky.

You've written very beautiful poem. You know, that I love the sea :)

Your nature-romantic poems cannot be described. They need to be read!

So darn beautiful!

Fabulous, Zoya! This is so sensual and beautiful!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hi there
once long ago i needed to get myself together about my divorce from my first wife
this was such a help sat by a sea in scotland
there i found consolation
this poem reminded me thanks for the experience Zoya and remain as you are in life rgards mike

The sea has held a fascination for man since the dawn of time, most are either drawn to it or terrified of it, i spent ten years at sea and have seen both sides its tranquility and also at its most dangerous, but i would'nt change the experiance for anything,this is very good and goes some way to expressing its behaviour well done Zoya :-))

Oh my god, such a precious pearl!