Just my take on that which never was... But, could have been... And better still- still has a chance to be...

Most strong are the words unspoken...

Most strong are the words unspoken,
Most effective are the deeds never done,
Loudest are the opinions never voiced.
Happiest are the moments never lived,
Most fulfilling are the dreams only dreamt...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: 'Light bursting out of Clouds' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1227 times
Written on 2007-11-11 at 07:11

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Venkatesh India
just a small correction,
When heart fills with affection

Venkatesh India
dear Zoya,

When heart flows with affection
In life's azure terrain
Our presence essence rain
From clouds of strong emotions
And my take on that
which never was...
But, could have been...
And better still-still
Has a chance to be...

you inspired me to pen this words in my limited capacity.
Thankyou, my friend
take care

Rob Graber
Wow, much deep and paradoxical truth in this one!

Winston Latanafrancia Soldevilla
It is really deafening when you hear nothing. It's the sound of silence so to say.But, It will be beautiful if it can be express. nevertheless, I hope it will be done. Very strong words indeed! Great write my friend! It's been a long time. How are you there?

Christian Lanciai
Couldn't be more true - although the truest truths are inexpressible.

Written words of the power of silence.

Namaste, dear Zoya

There's one red thread going through this text: HOPE!
I love it since it is so true. All the things that hasn't been said or done yet gives us hope on the future to come cause we still have the chance of making a difference.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Dear ,Zoyer , a powerful , thort prevokeing . It is sad , when pepole see think , but say , '' nouthing to do with me . It reminded me of a lamant of of a German Paster , whos name excaps me at this time : ''THEY came fore the traidunist , I am a Patster , not traid unist , then they came for the communist ans sousherlist , I am nither , then the liberals , then they came for the Jews , I am a chritsan , then they came fore me , thear was no one left to spek up fore me. That is what yiur great poem , reminded me of , Zoyer. It is those who stand and wach , yet say nothinf , do nouthing , who let events just hapon.

In freindship , respeckt , hugs , Ken

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Zoy this is a very thoughtful and a thought provoking text well don its brevity is that which makes it so powerful welcome back rgds Mike