By the time we overcome the adversities of life, it is almost over...

Twilight Blues

Evening melts into the night
Yellow gold of the setting sun
Shrinks into an orange ball
Hangs against the purple sky
Bids farewell to the gloomy day
Plunges into the dun of Night…

flash back

Dawn of hope
With youth of Time
Rises high into the sky
Birds of bright pretty plumes
Soar in the glory of the morn...

Pelting hot sun scorches wings
Deserts hot stand in the way
Thirst like a demon chokes
Parched lips longing speech
Life trudges on, dreary and bleak…

At long last

Hot sands traversed
Mountains scaled
Valley of grief left behind
Again, the sun shines
Spreading golden-scarlet hues
Beauty in age enshrined.

But, the lease of life is expiring
Time is nigh
Into the oblivion of
Ink-black night…

Twilight of life…

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: 'Twilight Blues' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1124 times
Written on 2007-12-07 at 13:46

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..yes it is true ... and your poem is as always wonderfully and excellently written .... love your images and the beautiful words you choose ...


Rob Graber
Effectively somber... The opening line I find strikingly original.

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Dear simply amazes me that one so young as you
can write with such depth and beauty...

Keep thinking and keep writing...

xxxx Stan

I've always thought you wrote masterfully, I don't always comment or put it this way I've read a lot more pieces than I have commented on.
Your writes are so insightful, wise, loaded with strength, tenderness that you as does Kathy can fill up my favorites list

This is another amazing write!!!!

Christian Lanciai
It's difficult to say which is more colourful, the picture or the poem, perhaps after all the poem...

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Zoya this is a very very clever poem and it is good to see you back again baby

please stay this time rgds mike