Snow Flakes fascinate me immensely... Inspired by Oran Pamuk's novel 'Snow'

Snow Flakes

No two snow flakes are alike
Each has a design its own
Each one a separate scheme intricate
Each one, a mind its own …

Nature has infused this variety
Into the crystallization of vapour
A select pattern for each so fine
Each a perfect hexagon defines…

Is it a random phenomenon?
Or is it a scheme divine,
I often contemplate, in the short-lived flake
That merges quietly with its companions
To become an integral part of
A mass of snow
Settling on each twig, each bough
Of a barren tree, covering it fully
with a fluffy blanket of tulle de blance...

But, before it merges with
the powerful, yet gentle,
mountain of snow,
Embedding the whole world
in its countenance,
Or freeze to ice on a window pane
to etch an intricate artistic design,

It has its own brief moment of individuality...

But, sometimes it just perishes, if
It happens to fall on a warm lip,
A troubled brow or an eyelid,
Where it just melts with
the human warmth
Evaporates in a instance brief

Returning to its original form-
An invisible vapour warm-

Happy in its succinct moment of glory…

Only to return the next season again,
As a fluffy snow flake
that will continue to fall
‘Till the end of time…

Long after your time and mine…

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Snow Flakes on an Evergreen Tree’

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1091 times
Written on 2007-12-09 at 07:35

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
They are fascinating, I remember being told as a child that each flake had a different design. As Kath says it does seem like a circle of life.

Hope you are keeping well


Elle x

mm, it is a wonder .... and we are so in the circle of life ... wandering amongst time ... journeing in all its greatness trying to understand ,.....

beautiful and poetic are your words and winter came to me


Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
thanks to you, Zoya, I'll never look at a snowflake in the same
way again...

lovely poem

xxxx Stan