Inspired by Kathy's poem on her grand-nephew who died of drug over dose a few days ago... my heart-felt condolences to Kathy

Drugs, the modern-curse of our times

Drugs indeed are a modern-curse of our times.
They are a menace to be dealt with in all seriousness.
I think the fault lies with the competitive, combative society
That just does not accept failure; which does not support
the weak, the vulnerable and the sensitive souls that are
so rare in the society these days that they
are termed and ridiculed as sissies and ninnies...
They end up resorting to escape mechanism,
Which they very easily find in drugs...
May God give them the strength not to be lured;
The power of endurance to those who are hooked
And find it in them to overcome the curse and not to succumb.

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi


Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1083 times
Written on 2007-12-13 at 14:08

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lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Zoya a powerful text of immense importance in the support you give katherine and in the general message it gives dont do drugs well done rgds |Mike

Well, it's simple supply & demand if someone demands someone will supply it. Very informative write...

Enjoyed as always...

Kathy Lockhart
Each person who has a problem with addiction has a story to tell. I don't know if there is one cause of this horrible plague. I know that those who export it, import it, make it, support it, and deal it, do it for money. Those who use it have as many reasons as there are people who use it--many for the thrill, some to fit in, some because they seek escape, some because they want to rebel, and the list goes on. The fact is there is just not one place, person, or cause we can blame. I guess there's enough blame to go around the world time and time again. Right now my grand nephew will be buried at age 20 on Saturday. I will not point my finger at him, at his family, or at his friends who loved him. I can only look at myself and wonder if there was anything I could have done or said to have made a difference.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
As a mother I worry naturally about my sons taking drugs - I know that some of their friends do but I also have to give trust to my sons that they will not. They know the dangers and I believe them to be responsible young men - peer pressure, the pushers, society - although I do believe that some people do have a more addictive personality than others - its not always the disadvantaged who take drugs either, it cuts right across the board - I agree Zoya, we must all try and do our best to stop this scourge.

Elle x

im not saying that drugs are ok to take or anything, but have you ever thought the problem lies on the pople taking them and not the drugs?