'Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!' Or, is it?


There are some people we often meet
Whose beauty sweeps us off our feet;
But, if they happen to open their mouth
You hope to God, they had kept mum
For such foul language pours forth,
From those lips like petals of rose,
That you want to clog your ears
And shut out those jarring notes;
The magic created by the pretty face
Crumbles to pieces like crystal glass breaks…

Then there’re some people you find so plain
That you pass them by, almost in disdain;
But, if the happen to flash forth a smile,
Their faces light up like stars in the sky
Their eyes sparkle with that special gleam
That draws you to them, as if in a dream;
When they speak, their voice like honey pours-
Melody to ears like a musical score…

As you come to know them more and more
Their inner beauty slowly comes to fore;
Their kind and caring ways appear
After sometimes they seem beautiful to you;
You come to realize their beautiful core
That shines like a lamp on a lonesome road;
It is the inner light of their soul
That lights up their countenance, bringing charm to fore…

Such a beauty is, the real beauty from keeps
That lasts much longer than the one skin deep…

Then, I would rather glow with my inner light,
Illumine, and warm up people’s heart
Than to dazzle and obscure, with my outer charm…

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP)), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Sketch: " Woman's Head' by and @ Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1238 times
Written on 2007-12-16 at 05:42

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Dan Cederholm

Dear Zoya you are a true writer
who can put words on BEAUTY



Such a true and heartfelt poem!

Zoya at her best. :)

Hope you are doing fine!!!


Michel Galiana
The same topic inspired you and my brother Michel Galiana with two poems on different kinds of beauty. But are they so different after all. In both texts the quest of beauty is an effort to look past apparences.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Beauty is as beauty does sometimes, - look into the soul first I think

Happy Christmas Zoya,

Emma x

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
A beautiful poem Zoya and this surly shows the beauty of your soul a clever text as always rgds mike

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi Zoya...

"Then, I would rather glow with my inner light,"

You obviously do...I knew that from when I first started
reading your poetry....

beautiful poem...

xxxx Stan

Kathy Lockhart
as beautiful as the soul of the poet and artist, Zoya. It so true. Your light shines through your inspiring poetry. You illuminate! bookmarked and favs.

your poems are always so spiritual...this is so true and beautiful. outer beauty is to entertain the eyes but inner beauty is to gratify the soul.
