Where, What and When


We rise them so high,
So we can condemn that so harshly,
But maybe we are more ashamed of ourselves,
Of not being them,
Than the actual crimes commited by both parties,

We are so confused,
We are told and shown so many examples of,
That the essential truth is no more than a fading shadow,
Of our envy and haste,

As we are born unto this earth,
We create the treasured that will soon be, condemned,
Such a programmed routine,
That it done as fast as we blink,
Oh our love for the habitual,

Maybe it is a control thing,
With so many things we think control us,
How dare someone to break the mold that we froze upon,
The boundary made from us and those before,

I have some good news and bad,
The good news is you will become one, eventually,
And the bad news is that someone or everyone will try their hardest,
To bring you down,
So I guess no one knows what to do about that at all, huh?,

Pride is good, but is also a sin,
And the world shows why,
We spend so much time going up,
We shiver at what is below,
Which in reality we are one slip away from it,
And it is that in which we fear the most,
The truth, about ourselves, about each other,

We are all among the saviors, the valuable, the heroes,
We who risk the truth in order to save the united masses,
From losing the way of belief of who and what we are to them,
The shing reflection of the lie that shines so brilliant, so true,

How far, how long and how will we land?,
The habitual ritual of truth and consequences,
Think about it, hero,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 779 times
Written on 2007-12-16 at 09:51

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Kathy Lockhart
Thank you for reminding us that--

"All Have Sinned and Fall Short of the Glory of God"
Romans 3:23

We look to lots of "heroes" in our world and all are fully human except The One. All will sin and all will fall. We need to focus more on The One and try to follow in his steps as best we can. With His Love and His Grace, He will pick us up and never let us down.