Nature is Forever…Or, This Amazing World of Ours

I think of all those tall trees
Standing for thousands of years
in Californian deserts…
Struggling to survive
Against all odds.

The mighty Himalayas
Still rising by half an inch
Every year…
Giving protection to us.

The rivers flowing, as if, forever
For all these years
Giving water to the fields
And life to us…

The sun shining bright
Giving its light
For millions of years
Warming the earth
And our hearts…

The Moon revolving around the Earth
Along the same course
Never changing its path
Loyal to the core
Casting its silver light
Soothing our troubled souls
for centuries and more…

The amazing Birds of Paradise
With their plumes bright
Flying about in the skies
Dancing their fascinating mating-dance,
to entice their mate
To produce new offspring
To maintain their continuity…

The rains pouring down with
Alarming constancy every season
Irrigating the harvests…
The summer pelting its heat
The winter shedding snow
Freezing the world…
The spring with its flowers
Pleasing our senses…
The autumn chilling with its winds…
The Four Seasons
Faithfully repeating their cycles
Year after year…

They all go about their tasks
Giving us life,
Giving us joy,

And will go on
Long after we are gone…

This amazing World of ours
This fascinating ‘Nature’ of ours
Will always be there for us
If we care…

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: 'Carnivalisque Splendour in the Sky' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 935 times
Written on 2007-12-29 at 19:43

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Welcome back Zoya...good write and good sentiments..

all is not lost yet...

xxxx Stan

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh Doctor i am so glad to see you with your wonderful tonic of this beautiful poem
as you see the bay is a very sick patient and we need you now more than ever to support it
it is so they say in its death throws but i dont believe it i believe in miracles and the miracle of your poetry back again gives me hope
rgds Mike

Zoya Zaidi
Sorry friends for the long absence!
Missed you all terribly!
Today when I could not log on for a while, I realised what the Poetbay and you all mean to me...
(((Hugs to all)))