Never Say Goodbye… Never Say Die…

I cannot believe that it is true!
Please tell me someone that it not!
For I lament
The coming to an end of our beloved bay!
For it is our home
And our world
And how can the world come to an end?
A world we have nurtured so lovingly
By sharing our joys and our woes…
Our hearts and souls we have put in it
We've lived with each other on this bay
We've shred so much on the Poetbay…
How can it just end like that?
Without a goodbye and without a last word…
It has to go on
Because we have to go on…
I am sure something can be done
To save the bay
From sinking in to oblivion
And just go away…
Friends, do lets us think of a way!
For we must never say, ‘Die’
We must never say ‘Goodbye’…

For closing poetbay will be like
Killing a community
Killing a nation
A nation without boundaries
A nation unique
Full of love
And full of life
All its own
Created by its inhabitants-
The Poetbayans...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: ' A New Dawn' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1050 times
Written on 2007-12-29 at 21:08

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What a nice text. Me like ;)
Are they closing poetbay or are they just changing who's the editor.?
Will all our texts be erased? That would be a catastrophe!

Love/ Kristina Olsson -Sweden

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Zoya dont despair just yet listen to jeherico a lovly poem and thank you for your efforts rgds Mike

Kathy Lockhart
you are absolutely right Zoya. We are a nation of poets whose home is Poetbay. Long may she live!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
We just have to be patant , all is far from lost , Zoya. Well exprest , yoiu wrote fore us all , us the Poetbayans , I love that!!!
All the best , Ken ( D Williams)