Gloom sometimes clutches you tightly in its grip...


Gloom like the deepest of nights
Engulfs all the chambers of mind
Drowns the castles of my dreams
Meadows of my warm youth green.
Shadows of tall trees of aspirations
Bend deep down with the drought
Of melancholy; and the candles of
Hope flicker, threaten to blow out…

Red o’ the setting sun of passion
Is replaced by the dun o’ the sky
The night of the gloom quietly
Blends with the anguished sky
And I think of the days gone by
Of love passion and infinite joy
And the cruel time passes by

For centuries, and will pass by
Sharing with me my lonely gloom
My descent n’ inevitable doom…
And the river of melancholy
Will keep flowing eternally

I sit on the banks and watch
Water flowing never endingly
And stifle a sigh silently…

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 997 times
Written on 2008-01-25 at 00:29

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vijay shanker

Christian Lanciai
How can gloom be so beautiful? A very atmospheric composition, enhanced by the magic mood of the melancholy picture, like an invitation to nostalgic dreams...

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!'re much too young to be so gloomy...Believe me, the
sun will shine brightly for you, if only you will allow it to...

Good poem,, cheer up

xxxx stan

Rob Graber
Nice 2 c u reappear on the bay, even with a gloomy text!

The water will never stop flowing dear Zoya. I hope not anyway. Our dreams and aspirations and loves will die with us. The flowing waters will re-unite us with our love ones i think.