actually, this is a true story.. i have given characters diffrent name though... averr here means averruncus.. its a name taken by roman god of aversion...
go on and read it.. i want comments on this poem plz, because for some personal problem..

My Best Friend, The suicidal!

Let his dirge
Flow through my verse

Staggering, we put arms around each other
For an excuse, we drank to give company to each other
We were looking at each other amusingly
At last, we left the table grudgingly

Weeping, he said, "I don't fit,
In this world, which is a shit"
He said, "Averr, she left me
I want to leave this world quickly"
He said, "Give me Doxylamine,
It's the final straw, it's the last landmine,
I want to die I want to quit,
I want to escape this whole deadly shit."
I said, "Its fucked up-"
He said, "Pass the pills and shut up."
Let it end please he cried
I was stunned with fright
At his state which was a pity
He yelled, picked a vase, shattered TV.

One day he had said, "man, I am in love" blushing furiously
"Are you serious, you gotta be kidding" I added laughingly
I continued, "Who's the unfortunate girl, tell me seriously"
He said. "The one who just passed us, sometime ago,
The one at crossing
The one I see, wherever I go
Let it be a night or a morning."
I asked, "are you sure that she's one little girl spike???
You made it sound as though there is a swarm of flies."

He returned from school, "I kissed her man, I kissed her"
I said, "its ok, I don't want details, don't bother"
He said, "Averr, where do you want your party"
I replied, "Taj surely"

Too much of vodka
Staggering we put arms around each other
For an excuse
We drank to give company to each other

An SMS, "man I am going o leave..
Please come here, I can not deceive
You for sure
She left me, that whore."

I rushed to his place
To trace his whole tale
I was greeted by his mother
She loves to compare me with her son
"Put some brain in my son too.
Out of 50, he only got 2"
I rushed without replying
I found him in a state of nervous plight

Weeping, he said, "I don't fit,
In this world, which is a shit"
He said, "Averr, she left me
I want to leave this world quickly"
He said, "Give me Doxylamine,
It's the final straw, it's the last landmine,
I want to die I want to quit,
I want to escape this whole deadly shit."
I said, "its fucked up-"
He said, "Pass the pills and shut up."
Let it end please he cried
I was stunned with fright
At his state which was a pity
He yelled, picked a vase, shattered TV.

Lying across TV, a paper was on table's top in tatters
With two upon fifty written on top with red letters
I understood quickly
That the reason is more than the gal surely

I looked at pills
I looked at him
I asked how many pills
Will get us killed??
I said, "I am going too
With you and for you"
He said, "Think about your family,
You at least should not do this."
I said, "we all are fighting for something better to live,
But we have to live and die on this battlefield
So why try?? Why fight???
At least we will be remembered by how we died."

Let his and mine dirge
Flow through my verse.

Poetry by Anshul Sharma
Read 954 times
Written on 2008-02-10 at 15:03

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A sad story indeed. I am sad that this is what my generation gives to the next. Drugs and desolation.
My father, in his teenage years, fought for the freedom and joy of Europe. In his old age, he laughed at the is the proof.
I think that this is what your poem means, the heartbreak is sad and gives me sorrow.