We are all under the rain
When the sky shouts madly
We feel the same pain
We are all under the rain
When the earth shakes badly
We squeeze our tender hearts in one lane
But unfortunately
We bury the throbbing wolf and insane
Deep in secret b

Equal ...... By Aisha Razem

We are all under the rain
When the sky shouts madly
We feel the same pain
We are all under the rain
When the earth shakes badly
We squeeze our tender hearts in one lane
But unfortunately
We bury the throbbing wolf and insane
Deep in secret brain!!!
We remember the tow meters hole
Insert the wet screams in to our prayers
Politely without any drawl
And we suddenly become
We suddenly become small!!!
Like the size of the aunts
We start holding each other's hands
In a royal gentleness we crawl
We touch each other's heads
And wipe the dust, the dirt, the blood mixed with soil
And deny the whole
Like we never played
With each other's heads any American football!!

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 660 times
Written on 2008-02-21 at 17:39

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