That was my first attempt
when I glanced
to the blood
of our land
I found the space
hugging a gun
Hung in the face of the sun
I saw a sword flittering alone
Caught by a hand
with broken bone!!

Gone with a gun ......By Aisha Razem

That was my first attempt
when I glanced
to the blood
of our land
I found the space
hugging a gun
Hung in the face of the sun
I saw a sword flittering alone
Caught by a hand
with broken bone!!
It seemed to me not flesh but stone
When swords were
the honors of Faun!!!
I found an old
and rusty Gun !!
Sitting not waiting
For any one
I saw that Gun
Waiting some one
am not sure
May be was waiting
To reach the climax
shooting in fun
Triggering that Gun
At everyone
Hung in the face of the sun
I claimed in hiding
my heart was sad
I have no fingers
in any hand
shooting in fun
triggering that gun
oh my God
my fingers are
Completely gone!!
hung of face of the sun !!

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 683 times
Written on 2008-02-25 at 13:00

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