Oh my God .... It's becoming noon!
It's too long without any trace of spangle ..... !
No one surrounded my table
No one collected me the bramble!!
Or anyone laughs at me in any angle
Oh my ...........!
Is it the wink of life?
Heart getting

My Dining Table ............By Aisha Razem

Here I am tidying up my family's lunch
Preparing the china dishes and cups
The juice prepared from Californian oranges
In a big bowel of Palestinian pink punch
My daughter Maiss loves the French fries
Potato thumbs and chips to crunch
Reem loves to skim the starch
Of the American rice and hunch
Zein pours the juice
Flip few drops from slush
Saying to her brother: hush
Gabriel my spouse is peeling the Spanish
Fresh tomato in tender touch!
Hussein is singing Anathema
While he is looking for his hair brush!
I don't leave any kind for spare!
Do I dare?
Telling myself ..... Don't forget the spoons
Just like my children loved
And asked me to prepare
Forks and Italian silver ware!
And spread the table tool
Spray essence on everywhere!
As I served them brunch!
Prepared the glasses
And rosy eastern candle!
One of my daughters
Hide the chocolate to hum in wangle!!
I set on my leader's seat happily to dandle
My husband, the fighter pilot
The dreamer to be astronaut
Glimmering and glorifying God
Invoking to his Mercy to keep this comfort
After he returns safe
from permuda triangle
Looks at my table
And shamble!!
Daughters tasting a little food sample
Observed my three daughters
Smiling at the table's marble!
Oh my God .... It's becoming noon!
It's too long without any trace of spangle ..... !
No one surrounded my table
No one collected me the bramble!!
Or anyone laughs at me in any angle
Oh my ...........!
Is it the wink of life?
Heart getting dried variable
becoming lonely or single!!
When the road runs to gamble ???
Oh God .......!!
Iam left maroon
Hear Iam sitting around the table waiting
Alone .......!
Lighting my seven candles and the
Red candle!
Looked at the light but no one
is surrounding my table
No one chatting on the phone!
No one singing happily
And hiding my Poetry microphone
I sat alone ..... !
Stayed until the dawn!
I forgot that they are grown!
Maiss too far away from house zone
She is in Virginia tech
Hunting the moon
That was not yet shown!
And Reem hunted the soil
To grow her mint with the guy
And dreams became very well known!
Oh Zein my youngest angel
In two years she gave birth?
Twice to happiness of earth
Who mixed life to the long live smiling loan!
Hussein my beloved son
Left my heart twisted to my week harsh bone
Mohammed sailed to the motions and animations
He left my ship sink to moan
My Beloved husband still flying the Air bus
On the clouds and the highest roan
But my dining table will be always shining
Ready, with seven chairs and very well shown!

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 702 times
Written on 2008-02-25 at 23:44

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Sanaz Danaipoor
Your writing is very beatiful and in touch with natural beings in life, that is why it's so easy to relate to your words and the story that youré telling.
I can see you, being a beloved mother of those beatiful children and just miss those warm family gatherings of my own, wish you luck and happiness