No pain of that severe bleeding
No attempt to slake
That fever in their brains
When they start tremble and shake !!
It is really the masquerade
No confession
Blackness within their hearts
May be it is self preservation

Leader's Masquerade

There is no blackness
within their hearts !!
But only something permissible
Called missing link
Touching their brains in fever
At the beginning of their arrival
Start looking at the
Deep whole
They cannot see the exact color
Circled as earring
Moving inside to make
Lies of snake
A confederate fake
Digging excavation
Deep in their noncolored victim's blood
Filling a huge lake!!
Masquerade was in soiree
Cloth of snake !!
Merry faces
No pain of that severe bleeding
No attempt to slake
That fever in their brains
When they start tremble and shake !!
It is really the masquerade
No confession
Blackness within their hearts
May be it is self preservation?
In acting over the theatre of wars
They are elegant
Pure tender palms
But wood carving hands
Is softer that complying figures
Hearts are scooping up
The blood
Sucking from the same cup
Troops of hearts in one hand!
Showing all those people
How pride is their stand!!
But around the funeral ceremony
They are gentlemen and grand
Nodding foreheads and shining heads
Respectful rites
They smile
No grudge
No rancor
Or venom
In their brass upgraded ranks
And renaming their past!!!
Showing the world's charity performance
Showing the Eulogistic party
Attracting the sweet's vision
Pulling attention
Of course deny having blackness
Or gray
Or pools of hot blood as they say
To save their faces
Any way!!
Since God assembled them
In one rally
Ornamented by
Degrading their bodies of humanity
The ruins of flesh
The transient's huge
high ranked bodies
Nesting tamely
On the peaceful earth
But they do not worth!!
It appears on their faces
Lies oppressing all innocents
But when they stand barefooted
And not even memorizing retinue names
The fake celebrities of heroic wars!! !!
Camouflaged lips of shyness
Who named themselves as prominents?
But benighted
While black holes
were stinging their cheeks !
Drowsy by nyctalopia
And hemeralopia
Lost by heavy clouds
Without any brackets
to surround their arched bones
When they stand
In the illusion of grandness
Hushing by their firing wand!!
Throwing all those incendiary leis
To bombard on
The earth of God
And their troops vomit
All ground water they humped
in their cavities!!
On the day of the resurrection
On the day of sky's direction!!

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 932 times
Written on 2008-02-26 at 10:17

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