Only happy mornings look like you
In the beginning of the day
Smiling all moments
Like a star shining all the way
You're (good morning) looks like
Singing or flying to a pleasant holiday!

Between smiles she sparkles

Only happy mornings look like you
In the beginning of the day
Smiling all moments
Like a star shining all the way
You're (good morning) looks like
Singing or flying to a pleasant holiday!
I remember when I sent you to university
In a rainy cloudy day
And you came back without shoes
And your body was just about
to lose
All what you could choose
From the wings covered colors
of the dancing goose !!
But instead of pain
You said: Wow...
How beautiful was the rain
Flattering the earth with booze!!
I looked at you laughing,
Smiling while my heart began to crack
Seeing your clothes raining
On floor and feet were red and slack
Your lips shivered blue and black
You didn't even weep
Like girls for warm and sleep
You were hurt very hard in deep!
You...are but a rose that blooms
So beautiful to vanish the sadness glooms!
You seemed as you swam in the ocean
With surf fish
And squadron of bream
I couldn't bear, so I wanted to scream
Offered you hot chocolate with cream
Prepared the vapor under your feet
With steam
You comforted my heart
Instead of
Blowing in a huge beam
When my heart was throbbing ready to seam
And you stood steadfast
And threw a warm coat on me
Sparkling your smile's team!!
Curing me by your eyes gleam
You are my delighted applaud
The chant in my tears stream
God Bless you my compassionate Reem!

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 1006 times
Written on 2008-03-01 at 10:26

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