You will get to see angels
Praying for your creator??
And the lights coiling the space
Without any generator
Clouds wrapping the dust
Turning the dirt to the fruit
That you will never taste
Sooner or later !!

Good bye my child ( 2 )

Good bye my child

You will play until you get up
You will stay active
Without my raising
Without my care
Without my setup
Climbing on the paradise hump
You will freely scream and jump
You will touch the bird's left wing
You will twist in the air
Am sure you will sing
And fly catching his tail
Laughing and swing
Around the moon's ring

You will get to see angels
Praying for your creator??
And the lights coiling the space
Without any generator
Clouds wrapping the dust
Turning the dirt to the fruit
That you will never taste
Sooner or later !!
I see the sky glooming the light
In the night ??
The black fogs become pure and white
Holding your cradle away from the fight
Gathering the babys to dance for your arrival
You pronounce the name of God
And smile to me
I say : yes mum you are Bright !
So you will touch the fogs
In their hanging down for rain ?
For your arrival
A big celebration
To obtain
The thunder will dance earth will become clean may be no pain
To shed the lane
To harm the childhood in huge insane
In blooding the humans
Without any gain
the molded chant in sky for the Palestinians
When creator spray his mercy and atomize his rain
for the sake of your soul
in your soil
you wave
To the angels
From grave !!
So hay
My child
Day by day
You will say :
Hear I will forever stay
Mum : do not cry
I am playing with the souls in sky
Waiting your fingers to touch my
And wipe my eye
Hug me
I didn't have the chance to cry
Watch me mum
Iam swinging now
on special wave in mercy high of the sky

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 775 times
Written on 2008-03-01 at 12:13

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