

F ortune falls upon the ones who give reprieve to

O thers. For in the giving their is receiving of  

R edemption for all sisters and brothers.

G rasp not to self-righteousness; Look for blessedness.

I nspire others to do the same. And, place not blame for 

V ery few can say for true that they are without

E nmity, or blameless be, for any cause of harm to another.

N either prince nor pauper needs not to offer an

E nemy a hand of peace and love. The symbol of the dove

S oaring with olive branch in beak is truly what we all

S eek-- forgiveness of our trespasses as we forgive others.


My Lord, Jesus Christ, when hung upon the cross asked His Father in Heaven to Forgive the ones who were crucifying Him. Since I am a follower of His teachings, I am to Forgive too. It is not always easy; it is an act of will, not of emotion. Therefore, I choose to forgive. In so doing, I am released of the burden I carry and set free to live my life as peacefully as possible on this earth. In forgiving I am blessed over and over again. You do not have to hold the same faith as I to know that forgiveness benefits the one who is hurt and the one who has inflicted the injury.

Blessings and Peace To You All,

Kathy Lockhart

Poetry by Kathy Lockhart
Read 1361 times
Written on 2008-03-03 at 00:08

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good one kathy ur peoms are reallly damn good :)

Aisha Razem
(((((( E nmity, or blameless be, for any cause of harm to another.
N either prince nor pauper needs not to offer an
E nemy a hand of peace and love. The symbol of the dove
S oaring with olive branch in beak is truly what we all ))))))
What a great human's heart lives inside this woman you ?
I felt in the words, approaching your beloved blessed mind ! but they touched my soul before !! is there so many palm trees ( high, tall, you walking on earth ? I think you would be the green living roots sparkled on the hatred to melt the love by nonbread even.
Love Kathy

Zoya Zaidi
Thanks Kathy, for the lovely rendition of the Psalm.

Masterfully Written KATHY


lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Katherine this lovely poem ranks amongst the best i have ever read form you your gentle loving nature shines throiugh in every word every phrase you truly are an inspiration to others and to me in particular no wonder i love you as i do xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxylk michael

Beautifully written Kathy and I'm sure it will be an inspiration to others.