See his ceiling lit with many a mirrored star

See his ceiling lit with many a mirrored star
See the lamps that are truly glitteringly ours
Then alchemizes these cherished hearts
Into moments, minutes, and hours
Alchemize what love eternal is truly yours
What radiance shone meteoric ashore?
What pull has turned a melancholic tide...
And harboured so many a soul and mind
Through seismic, storm
Brimful of a universe without impudent pride
Know your place is a golden elixir by his side.

Poetry by M Heathcote
Read 1175 times
Written on 2008-03-04 at 09:07

Tags Spiritual 

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Wonderful Mark, I really enjoy reading your imagery shining out. This made me think of moonlit walks where the stars burn out so brightly

Elle x