Don't shout.

Let me....

Let me be
a little child
swinging on
a high branch
perched on
a swing made
of jungle wines
and wild flowers
with green mountains
and blue sky
dancing beneath
my wind-filled frock
The winds
blow on my face
and I close my eyes
and fear
the darkness
And fall asleep
and fall.....
Fall down
into the valley

There is no one
To hold me
Not even you
You are not
a God who
will stand with
out-stretched arms
I hear your angry voice
And hope
that I fall
And fly away
To a different world
Far, far away
Till your voice
fades into the air.

Poetry by Neelima
Read 824 times
Written on 2008-03-10 at 12:21

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josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Brilliantly executed with a master’s dramatic ending ! Bravo!

Esti D-G
Lovely, dreamy stuff!
Thanks for the read, enjoyed it tremendously. luv estix

nicely written and I guess we all want to be somewhere else at times even if only in daydreams, a delightful write.

truly i can feel it. write more. the entire world is an outstretched blanket... but we can see stars through its holes. believe only stars can pierce that. only poetry can travel more distance than light.

Awww! I felt so much fear and lonliness in this. I pray for better days.