Everyday lust wanders around us

Hide-and-seek love

I have kissed
myself in the mirror
The icy,cold,
smooth surface
cools my lips
not my soul

My eyes wander
on your chest hair
My looks caress
your skin
Touch your forehead
kiss your neck

You suddenly turn
and look at me
I quickly pullout
a mask of words and
ask the time

A fleeting temptation
A clever cover-up
deep down,
Beneath the ice-berg
A volcano

Words knot hearts
connect people
Together is
made up of
Get me with words.

Poetry by Neelima
Read 1421 times
Written on 2008-03-11 at 10:52

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thats gud one...very well...why couldnt i find you before?? my bad luck...hehehe...

anyway you are a good writer....your poems are filled with love...

this was fantastic....

i just wanna ask you that ....is it your own painting?? i think it is..as you have described that you paint....

your painting is fantastic..though i am not good at this..i am the worse artist in painting.heheheheh...:) but i liked this one though i couldnt understand what is it..but such a beautiful and heart touching....

thanks for sharing this great text and as well as this painting


Mood: 5
Overall: 5

Esti D-G
Wonderfully erotic read!

Sanaz Danaipoor
Wonderful and sweet with easy scense of tenderness, you wrapped me around you fingers with this beautiful poem, a bookmark and applauds!

I love this poem, your easy going style that falls so seemingly effortlessly, so sweet and full of life.


Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
sensual, a poem which I would describe as very tactile

Elle x