An Earth Day tribute

The Story of Nature

Each ray of the rising Sun
Tells the story of the sun:
Of light; of fire;
of dispeling of the darkness;
Of hope, of warmth;
Of desire; of shinning bright
Of creation of cool rain;
of Life, Living and Loving...

And then the setting Sun
Tells us the story of death;
Of face of Doom
Imminent and inherent
In every Life, in every being…

Each dew drop tells the story
Of Love, tenderness and sacrifice,
Of getting consumed in passion,
At the behest of the beloved
To perish and disappear
Without a trace
In the passion of the union…

The wind in the trees
Tells the story
Of the power of the invisible
The energy of the abstract
Only to be felt
On the tender skin
In the glowing Soul…
Is the source of great inspiration
To strive, to persevere, to fight
To stand up for one’s right!

The chirruping birds
Tell us the story
Of how life must go on
Irrespective of loss or sorrow.
The flying away of the hatchlings
To start a new life
How new nests are built
How new life is nurtured
Lived anew, how to survive…

The mighty Ocean tells
The story of creation:
How to hold within one self
The life of a million Lives…
The mystery of life, the strife
The story of constancy,
Of depth,
Of loving, longing and giving,
Unconditionally without being asked…

The water trickling though the rocks,
The shining of the soft moon
The melting of the Snow flakes
Pitter patter of the Rain in spring
Mighty roar of water falls
The hopping Gazelles of the Savannahs
The Emperor Penguin, the Polar Bear,
The pristine ice of the Polar Cap…

Every little creation of Nature
Every Life, big or small,
Has a story to tell
Has a song to sing
If we care to listen
If we care to sing
If we care to retell
The story of love,
The story of life
The story of Nature
The story of Ourselves…

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
06.06.2007 (The World Environment Day)

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1153 times
Written on 2008-03-20 at 18:41

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Winston Latanafrancia Soldevilla
Incridibly refreshing. It's quite true. I f we only care to look, stop and listen then we can truly appreciate the story of nature.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
wonderful images of flower meadows of spring of the radience in you when you are on fire well done Zoya welcome back here again please stay this time regds mike

Rob Graber
Most inspiringly cosmic!

Ps: In line 54 (if I counted correctly), the "h" added to "savanna" is optional, but that apostrophe needs to disappear, since it's an ordinary plural rather than a possessive!

--your nit-picking professorial friend, Robby

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Dear Zoya...How does one so young have such deep
insights and sensitive emotions....? This is a winner, written
by a winner and read by one humbled...


Kathy Lockhart
Magnificient poetry! So beautiful and full of images and emotions. I had a shiver come over me as I read the last stanza. Wonderful!
This is a bookmarked poem and a favorite. xx Kathy