A tiny drop of water is not just a drop, but holds a potential sea in itself…

…Not Just A Drop!

A drop is a whole Ocean in itself,
What is an ocean, but a multitude of drops…

A drop is rain,
A drop is hail,
A drop is tumult,
A drop is a storm!

A drop is not just a drop:

A dewdrop on a rose petal,
on a pleasant morn.
Hoarfrost on a tender leaf,
on a chilly dawn.
A snowflake on your tender lips,
melting in your warmth.

A helpless tear
on a child’s cheek,
on a hungry, sleepless night.

A gleam of joy
In a widow’s eyes,
Watching her son grow with pride.

A pearl in an oyster shell
joyful at its destiny,
In that glorious moment of time.

Delicate ripple on a sunset beach,
Kissing the shore
Bathing my soul in its calm.

A frolicking froth
in a mountain stream,
skirting around the rocks.

A shower of rain
on a hot summer day,
cooling your brow.

A river of water
Flowing through a desert,
Giving precious life.

A tornado, a hurricane,
A Tsunami, a giant wave,
Destroying things in potent rage.

A drop,
A tiny drop of water,
I s not just a drop!

An expression of sorrow
A suggestion of joy,
Source of potent rage,
The mother of pearl,
The father of sea,
The giver of life…

A drop is
not just a drop,
It is the essence of our being on Earth!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

A World Water Day Tribute! The United Nations General Assembly designated 22 March of each year as the World Day for Water, An initiative that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro
Once viewed as an infinite and bountiful resource, water today defines human social and economic development. Undoubtedly water and sustainable development are inextricably linked. Without adequate supply and management of fresh water resources, socio-economic development simply cannot take place.
It is this need that led to the international observance of World Water Day, starting in 1993. The first water decade from 1981-1990 brought water to over a billion people, and sanitation to almost 77 million; there are still over 1.1 billion people without adequate excess to water and 2.4 billion without adequate sanitation. In India almost 800 million people do not have clean water to drink. That is over two and a half times the population of United States. 85% of rural population in India is solely dependent on ground water, which is depleting at a rapid rate. Population growth is expected to result in decline in the per capita availability of fresh water. It has been estimated that by 2017 India will be ‘water stressed’.
Source: The Times of India Daily , Thursday, the 20th march 2008

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1276 times
Written on 2008-03-22 at 13:07

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Dear Zoya,

Yet another incredible poem!! Your writing always blows me away. This is PoeticProcrastination, by the way--I had to open a new account because the other one got full. Anyway, your imagery and the emotions you convey are stunning. Wonderful job!!

Venkatesh India
lucid expressions on a drop,great images... beautiful poem.

Kathy Lockhart
once again a powerful yet poignant poem written by the hands of a women who has a heart of gold and a desire for the good of the world. Beautiful expressions vividly and profoundly written. xxkathy

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Zoya...your poem is not just a drop...It's a flood of beauty


Dan Cederholm

Oh Zoya this is a wonderful poem
according to the shapes of water
in all forms . . .



night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
A masterpiece dear Zoya! Yes indeed a tiny drop of water... Så well written and thank you for the info!!! *Applause*and *bokmarked!*
Take care:)