Hello . . . I am back again!

Hej, Salute, Salve, Hello
poetbay friends. . .

Here we go again . . .

>I ve got a rocket in my pocket
and a new smile shining on my face
I am a kind of writer who’s grown
from the human race. . .

I am sparkling star
not to far
from heaven above
and I grow
from the cradle
to the grave


in and out
twist and shout

over and out

there’s no doubt
I am back again

and I am shouting out!

Let the words be spoken


Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 845 times
Written on 2008-03-22 at 14:32

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lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Welcome back Dan with this wonderful runmbustuous return text welcome welcome welcome thrice times rgds mike

Kathy Lockhart
HAPPY Happy Happy Days. Dan has returned with poetry and gleefullness to write of lessons learned, of wisdom, and joyfulness to inspire the world inturn. So glad to see your back again. I was am blessed by your return. : ))) kathy

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
HI , Dan , old freind good to have you back , now once again , yiur star once more shines above with us all the light of your star lightans up the bay.

Ken ( D Williams )

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Good to see you Dan, I had wondered where you were - looking forwards to reading your poetry again

Elle x