The true meaning of love is lost in modern times...

Men who seek love

Young men hunt love
In the internet
scanty clothed
women stare
them in the eyes
This is not love

Young men
notice pretty
clothed women
on the streets
who look sideways
to check whether
their eyes are still
following them
This is not love.

Older mens' eyes
wander looking
for love in all the
wrong places
For heart-broken
women at a bar,
Looking for a
one-night thrill
This is not love.

Someone in plain
clothes waits
at home with
a hot cooked meal
and a laughter
filled noisy house
An old friend
to share
a laugh with
And smile
with her eyes

Look at her again
her heart
is scantily clad
and her mind
is colorfully dressed
She can toast
with the cheer
in her face
And is impressed
even in your
worn out pyjamas
Welcome to
a place where
love is free
welcome to a
place called

Poetry by Neelima
Read 857 times
Written on 2008-03-26 at 08:51

Tags Love 

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
No place like home. Love is often, right there under our noses - but I suppose the nature of sexual attraction will always be around and a man noticing a pretty girl, isn't always about love and sex but also about appreciation.

Elle x