According to Indian mythology the earth is a beautiful woman who controls the elements of nature and is an all powerful mother...

Children of Love

The earth gently unclothes
Her bare mountains
and washes her tresses
in the oceans' surf
her eyes search across the
landscape towards the sky
for a warming sun's rich embrace
The moon is yet another lover
who waits to cast a further shower
of love and kisses till morning is due
Her face yielding and composed as ever
She raises and lowers herself

Bless the entire earth
And all her lovers
And their love-children
That peep out like flowers
From their green covers
It is raining from heaven
Her love is blessed
She has again become
.....a mother.

Poetry by Neelima
Read 905 times
Written on 2008-03-28 at 13:05

Tags Love 

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What a feel! One can sense this poem! Good work