Just got back from being out on the town and all!!!

Nobody loves no one

After all these years,
I still think about her sometimes,
Even though we seem so compelled to live our separate lives,
We have now become what we always wanted to be,
Someone else, completely,

We are both in awe and so horrified by the light,
It shines for our statues,
It shines for our idols,
Rise and Fall,
There is no escape,

I see the wanting transform into lovely, shameless moths,
Flying everywhere to be the next victim of our necessities,
Our want, our fix,
And from this, all is for sale,

I say to you now that there are something you can never sell,
That in which you keep within,
And when these are neglected and felt cheap, they react,
And reflect who you were in even the dirtiest windows,
I say there is hope to feed the need,
And it all starts with a smile and a try,
Stand- Fall- and Stand again,
As long as your heart beats,
This stands forever true,

Love like all things begins within,
And it is your duty to spread it around as much as you can,
Maybe that's the reason why it is so hard to give that to only one,
Because even one on one, you are still sharing,
"It's give and not take", they say,
And I guess I'm completely out of strange currencies,

One day, I will see you again,
Someday the light will go out,
And soon, we will get some sleep,

Life- What a wicked game,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 856 times
Written on 2008-03-29 at 02:20

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lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hey man we all love thge fact that the dancer is back well done and welcome brian rgds mike