"AS17-145-22261HR" Apollo 17 photo credit to "NASA",  No copyright is asserted for NASA photographs.

ET, Whitney Houston, bombs and grenades. . .

Suspended in a rubber snatched
on a bridge over trouble water
I jump up and down
equal a puppet doll
Boing, boing. . .BOING

I cut the bands and visit the AMUSEMENT PARK
in wonderful Copenhagen. . .

I walk around in the mirror room
step by step. . .” stepping in a slide zone
with a rocket gun on the spine
and with a can petrol
I burn the nightmares. . .throw
denture in the head wind

BITE ME. . .

I Jump on my Harley and throw sparks
along the Milky way, chewing on
the last verbal words from a wet dream
when Whitney Houston thickset and polished
her toenails to the tunes of Bon Jovi’s
” Beds of roses . .” picks up the last leafs
and put them in a box and closes the cap

Flying away to the concrete storms' desert
in an experiment I am digging gold
that runs out between my fingers
Samarkand’s flavored squares teases my
nostrils, snarls out an apology and
arms a nuclear bomb with a cry

- HEAT TO THE PEOPLE and tune a new sun shine!

ppppffffftttt . . . short fuse on fire out in one
stream of lava of the reserved crime
from the Vatican’s
Conspiracys during many
and long witch pursuits . . .
inquisition burns . . .
like an open sows in my shoes

For everyone
I disseminates out the quiet tendon blades in the wind
Hiiiiiitttt the braaaaaakeeeessss and stoooooopppp
petrol stop somewhere in the Galax, light years from home. . .

ET comes at last in an old Chevrolet
I hitchhike back to the asphalt and the concrete jungle
of big noisy town and from the land
ascends the song


but gladly drink a Coca cola!

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1995 times
Written on 2008-03-29 at 09:08

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