Krishna is a mischievous God of romance, who is loved by many...

Lovesong for Krishna

Let me be the flute
which gets kissed by your lips
Let me be the cow
whose udder quenched your thirst
Let me be the Gopi
whom you romanced in the fields
And the Radha
who warmed your moonlit nights

Ignite me with your warm breath
Be the wick in my gloomy hours
Enlighten my depraved mind
Throw open the doors of affection
So that I might share with others
all that love you showered on me
with tenderness.

---------Let me be...
-----------------a step...
--------------------------that leads...
-------------------------------------------to your loving door.

Poetry by Neelima
Read 773 times
Written on 2008-03-31 at 14:18

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