To a poet,colleague,friend,artist,player Anoop as he turns an year older on 5th April,2008....

Many Happy Friends Return...??

far away from home
by strangers
turned friends
You triumph again
by blowing out
the candles of fear
and cutting cake of
And emerge
smiling like Buddha
from a still life painting.

With athletic grace
And an all-knowing sigh
You turn a deaf ear
To all mad quarrel
Of men,women and dogs.

You twist words like a
balloon artist
to produce
ripples of laughter
in little ponds of tears

You are a son
every valiant mother
would want to have
You are a lover
Every woman would
dream to have
You are an army
Every country
Would want to have
But most of all
A wonderful buddy
All of us friends
cherish to have!

Poetry by Neelima
Read 1172 times
Written on 2008-04-04 at 08:23

Tags Birthday 

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thats fantastic..such a beautiful poem ..and filled with some wonderful ideas..liked it..hats off to you..

it shows that how much caring you are!!

with best wishes

thank you very much.
it is a rare day
which everything turns in to