Statistics show that in Bangalore, young working couples are too tired for love and romance....other times they argue, and thus sleep alone???

Let "E"go from the bed

you and me
Are a hundred
million chords
of the bedspread
Fine connections
like nerve endings
they tremor
at a look
or an accidental
brush of hand
But with
practiced ease
an entire
is brushed
as a mistake

Why do you
have to let an
an "S" (Yes)?

Poetry by Neelima
Read 1344 times
Written on 2008-04-07 at 13:57

Tags Romance 

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i couldnt understand it much....

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I think this is indicative of a lot of society these days - we live in a money grabbing world where its all about over achieving and making as much money as you can. Too many E go's going to bed with none of the values - a good text and a sad reflection of today - makes me wonder at the pressures our young people are facing today and in the future

Elle x