Hectic lifestyle in a city...

What about us

My days shuttle
between the first
and fourth gears
of a car
On weekends
they touch a neutral
and revive to the
next gear on Monday
when will I ever
pull over
and rest?

my dreams of you and me
like the Carbon dioxide
in a Coke bottle.

Poetry by Neelima
Read 1362 times
Written on 2008-04-08 at 11:40

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rajesh poonia
Little beautifully written.............words

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
but its the exhilaration that keeps those bubbles popping - Even now when I hit the city I get that feeling, that inexhaustable feeling - a rush of adrenaline - then I remind myself, that I'm a country girl at heart - Well written - I could feel that buzz in the last stanza and then the flatness

Elle x

Esti D-G
Excellent little poem , Neelima!

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

wonderfully written.