Just getting the lead out!!!

A story for you

There is so much wisdom in a smile,
As there is so much disdain as you are viewed as a stranger,
But all things must be tried first before the gavel goes down,
Or does it?,
So many times that want and perception blend like a blurry cocktail,
So that we can not only lose sight, but also our honesty,
And in the end, we are just as lonely as the word,

There is so much thought in a touch,
But never no warmth through a stare of an admirer,
Maybe they are heavy thinkers, but then again, we are not playing chess either,
The least expensive and least addictive (to some) tool at your disposal is your mouth, use it,
I never heard that word "no" was a serial killer,

A matchmaker is a hustler,
And a player is a customer,
Sorry, but this is the SAT,
Sad Ass Truth,
If you cannot be honest with yourself,
How can you approach anyone?,
Let alone your reflection?,

A mask can be comfortable,
But you put on the mask,
Not the other way around,
One of the most beautiful things in the world is truth,
So don't call yourself the "unapproached",
It is because of the truth that lies stay away,
Everybody talks about "game",
Sounds good for a song, but really,
Ask yourself, do you need to know someone,
Or do you want to sell yourself?,

In the long run, you can't be a mate and a trick at the same time,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 806 times
Written on 2008-04-09 at 07:37

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Kathy Lockhart
Truth always stay the same. Lies are what changes. And in the end, truth sets you free and lies imprison you.
You always have such interesting texts written with wisdom. : )

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
a very profound and truthful text dancer this is expertly written and the logic with which you outlined everything is awesome well done rgds Mike