Attending a coference in Ireland on 'Child Migration: Identities and problems', I fell to thinking...

In Ireland

How is it that people migrate?
Bodily, socially, economically;
From one place to another
From one country to another
Moving up and down
From town to town,
Like birds in their flight
From North Pole to South
From colder climes to warmth.

Leaving behind their life,
Their home and their sight
About what they really want
From this thing called life...

What happens to their souls
Do they migrate too?
What happens to their inner life,
Does it alter too?
What happens to their psyche
How does that modify
With the change in external life?

I often wonder,
The life of those in foreign lands,
Does it stop where they left?
Does it move on with the rest?
Is it frozen in time?
Or does it flow like water,
In a river that crosses fields,
Flows down mountains and greens
Imbibing every thing on the way
Changing its course with the time
Winding through tortuous ways
Adapting to ups and downs-
Flowing, flowing all along...

I wonder how people migrate.
From country to country;
From town to town
From one phase to another
From one life to another
From one world to another,

From this world to the next...

I often wonder...

While I wander around
From one place to another
Seek that peace of mind,
That turbulence of soul,
That satisfaction of the unknown...

These green fields stare at me,
Seem to ask me:

What am I about?

I often wonder...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
10.04.08 Cork, Ireland

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1106 times
Written on 2008-04-10 at 20:19

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The turbulence in my gypsy soul is one of those things that keeps me going. I think I have found a destination for that gypsy inside me.
I love the thoughts you throw out in this poem, perhaps an encapsulation of my life right now.
Hope you are doing well.


Nice framing of words to Ireland.

cory Crook
zoya i have come back to poetbay and in trying to take in what i once was in my psyche. I have recently moved to another place and wonder what i left behind and what im taking in and if its for the better. thank you zoya for the comments in the past and look forward to your poems and writes in the future. cory c

Dan Cederholm

Just wondeful my friend!!!


Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
You say and ask, "What am I about, I often wonder"

Zoya, you are,among many other things, about delightful and thoughtful poetry

Always enjoy reading your thoughts

xxxx Stan